About NLUJ
National Law University-Jodhpur (NLUJ) is one of India’s leading Law Schools situated in the vibrant and colourful city of Jodhpur, Rajasthan. NLUJ has constantly been ranked as one of the top law schools in India. Since its establishment in 1999, NLUJ has endeavoured to produce exceptional lawyers and legal scholars aimed at pushing and challenging the existing boundaries of knowledge.
About the Competition
NLUJ is pleased to announce that the Fifteenth NLU Antitrust Law Moot Court Competition, 2024 will be held from March 15th-17th 2024. The Competition has grown significantly over the last fourteen years, becoming one of the nation’s premier moot court competitions, and the biggest Competition Law moot court competition in India. The association with the Competition Commission of India and Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas ensures that the Competition has an exemplary proposition and commendable judging.
General Details
The Fifteenth NLU Antitrust Law Moot Court Competition, 2024 shall be organised by National Law University, Jodhpur from March 15 to 17, 2024.
Eligibility Criteria
Students enrolled in an undergraduate law course or its equivalent, conducted by any recognized college/university/institution are eligible to participate in the Competition. Any college/university/institution, whose students fulfil the eligibility criteria or for exceptional circumstances have been deemed by the Organisers to be eligible for this Competition, shall be entitled to send only ONE team to the Competition, subject to the completion of registration formalities as detailed in the ‘Invite’ to the Competition. Each team may comprise a minimum of two (2) and not more than three (3) members. The team composition may be of two (2) speakers only or of two (2) speakers and one (1) researcher. Once the team composition is communicated to the Organisers, no change in team composition shall be permitted unless the Organisers have approved such change.
General Rules
Each team shall prepare ONE memorandum for each side, that is, the Petitioner(s)/Appellant(s) and the Respondent(s). The soft copy of the memoranda must reach the following e-mail address: antitrustnlumoot@gmail.com, on or before March 1, 2024 (at or before 2359 hours IST).
The format of the competition is there will be two Preliminary Rounds, then Octa Final Rounds, then Quarter Final Rounds, then Semi-Final Rounds, and then the Final Round.
The rules for memorandum submission, rounds, penalties, etc are given in the rules brochure below this post. The Moot Proposition is also given below this post.
Registration Details
NLUJ invites your esteemed institution to participate in the Competition by registering a team consisting of at least two and not more than three members. A maximum of forty teams will be hosted this time. The selection would be made on a first come first serve basis. NLUJ would be glad to host your representatives as our guests during the Competition. We would appreciate an e-mail confirmation of your institution’s participation in the Competition at the earliest.
Provisional registration (in case the team composition has not been determined), if not done yet, may be done at the earliest by sending an e-mail confirming participation. Kindly direct all correspondence related to the Competition to antitrustnlumoot@gmail.com.
- Complete Provisional Registration by sending an email to the official email ID to confirm your slot. Kindly note that this is an invite-only moot and only the universities that have received the official invite from the organisers can complete final registration. Registration fee once submitted will not be refunded under any circumstances whatsoever.
- Complete the fee payment and fill in the registration form.
- Upon verification of the fee payment with the University administration, the organisers
- shall confirm your participation in the Competition.
The links of the registration form and registration fee payment link is given below this post.
Important Dates
- Release of Official Invitation and Moot Proposition: January 12, 2024.
- Commencement of Registration: January 18, 2024.
- Last Date for seeking Clarifications to the Proposition: January 25, 2024.
- Release of Clarifications to the Proposition: February 08, 2024.
- Last Date of Registration for the Competition: February 09, 2024.
- Last Date for Submission of Electronic Copies of the Memorials: March 01, 2024.
- Fifteenth NLU Antitrust Law Moot Court Competition: March 15-17, 2024.
Jodhpur, Rajasthan.
Contact Information
For any queries, please contact at +91-8826588680, +91-9205512734, +91-9051600316 or email at antitrustnlumoot@gmail.com.